fuck around, find out

Now, this is a story all about how my biz got flipped-turned upside down.

And I'd like to take a moment, just sit right there

I'll tell you how I fucked up my marketing & clients went into thin air.

OK, jingle aside.

Real talk: I basked in the glory of client work that I didn't market for more clients.

So my projects ended & suddenly I had no money or projects coming in...


Thankfully I was able to use my emergency fund but wanna know what happened?

I fucked around, and found out.

I didn't do the work and I experienced the consequences.

Now the one place I *don’t* fuck around is with my brand voice trainings…

My friends know me as the straight-shooter, no BS, zero small talker and my trainings are always the same way.

In fact, I’d rather you spent your time getting the work done than listening to me…

Brand Voice Baller is designed to be the quick 'n' dirty way to nail brand voice in less than 2 hours.

People literally have said it’s the FASTEST they’ve been through a course or program of its kind *takes a bow*..

And you'll get instant support, accountability and a kick up the arse as you're using this for your client projects with 4 weeks of support from me.

In fact this offer is SO good that I'm unlikely to repeat this ever again.

To be frank, the 4 weeks of support is a lot—I answer every question, review brand voice guides, and offer daily cheerleading.

As the number of students inside the Baller grows (currently there's 151) it would be impossible for me to offer this level of support and still be able to brush my teeth twice a day.

So grab 4 weeks of support before I close it down at noon EST Tuesday April 4 (aka tomorrow!).



Nicola Moors | brand voice expert & launch copywriter

Helping multi-6 and 7-figure business owners to own their voice and sell out their digital products, programs and masterminds. Taught 1,000s of business owners & copywriters how to nail brand voice and 786 students inside my courses. Creator of Brand Voice Baller.

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