the main issue with your sales page

After strategising & writing copy for launches that generated $2m+ in client sales, I've seen it all.

But there are two issues that course creators seem to come up against...

- student feedback isn't collected regularly (or automatically) in funnels resulting in a scramble when your launch date rolls around

- testimonials lack strategy, meaning they don't reflect the top objections or messaging points

*98% of consumers read reviews when making a buying decision*

You see, there's psychology behind using social proof - often, we'll look to other people to guide us towards making a decision (like when you ask your coach or friend "What should I do next?").

Tweak your testimonials strategically so you can leverage this herd mentality and attract right-fit customers.

Here's how I created a Student Success Engine for a recent client, who sells a coaching program:

🔥 I added custom surveys into the evergreen funnel to capture student feedback at different stages

🔥 While those surveys were collecting feedback, I messaged mined through the student Facebook group for reasons why people joined the program and ran interviews to get more in-depth info

🔥 Based on the research, I tweaked the sales page copy (this client's messaging was pretty accurate!), optimised testimonials, added new ones which answered student objections & added statistics to show the students' success.

🔥 PLUS I created & implemented systems which will capture all of this automatically for my client...

This means that 1) she has an optimised sales page which answers the top student objections and 2) she can launch at any time, without faffing around with last-minute surveys or copy tweaks!

And she gave me this awesome feedback last week👇

What issues do you run up against in your funnel?



PS Here's how I can help you unfuck your marketing Reader...

1) Want to track student (or client) wins & feedback automatically? I'm sharing all my secrets inside my NEW course, Student Success Engine. Join the waitlist for first access.

2) Want to lead fearlessly, grow your business and own your space? Join the waitlist for my new 1-1 coaching container, Unstoppable. Limited spaces. Join the waitlist here.

3) Tired of copy templates that make you sound like everyone else? I'm releasing brand voice-based copy templates, that will show you how to write like you. Be first to hear when they drop. Get early access on the waitlist.

4) Swipe my research process I use to write high-converting copy in my £9 course to truly understand your audience...without sticking CCTV inside their head. You get bite-sized trainings, all my documents & a LIVE Q&A...for just £9 inside Voice of Customer Vault.

5) Write copy that sounds exactly like you or your clients with Brand Voice Baller, with ongoing coaching & feedback from me.

6) Hate the thought of writing your own copy? Taking bookings for the Launch Suite: my agency offers full-funnel copy, strategy & implementation. Fill out my contact form here.

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X and Why, Foundry, 6 Brindley Place, , Birmingham , West Midlands B1 2JB

Nicola Moors | brand voice expert & launch copywriter

Helping multi-6 and 7-figure business owners to own their voice and sell out their digital products, programs and masterminds. Taught 1,000s of business owners & copywriters how to nail brand voice and 786 students inside my courses. Creator of Brand Voice Baller.

Read more from Nicola Moors | brand voice expert & launch copywriter

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