wanna know how long it takes me to write a sales page?

At a networking event last week, I was asked this question...

"Is copywriting like writing product descriptions" followed by "How long does it really take to write something?"

Now perhaps he was being sincere or joking or taking a real interest in my work...

But I was stood with two men, one of whom also works in marketing, and he didn't ask them any similar questions.

Believe it or not, I've been on the receiving end of similar demeaning comments from men in co-working spaces.

Note: I think they probably meant to be helpful but even if that's your intention, explaining to an expert in her field how to do her job is patronising.

Interestingly, I started timing my work in February so I have an answer to this question...

How long does it really take to write copy?

In the last 12 weeks, I've written two sales pages (as well as two landing pages, 22 emails and 5 website pages).

And the amount of time on those sales pages ALONE?

47 hours.

(One project was 27 hours, and another I spent 20 hours).

That is 47 hours actively spent working on just two sales pages—not reading my email, not checking my Slack, not snacking.

But what goes into writing a sales page?

  • Client calls
  • Audience research: Surveys & messaging mining (I wasn't hired to do full research for these project so usually the research is much heavier than this which would have increased the time)
  • Dissecting my client's voice: Making sure the copy sounds like them & I've nailed their brand voice
  • Messaging strategy: Deciding what the message is
  • Outlining the sales page:
  • Writing the copy
  • Editing, doing revisions & proofreading

Now, on one of these projects, I spent 13 hours writing the sales page (including finetuning the brand voice) and 8 hours researching the audience and finalising the messaging.

These sales pages haven't been implemented yet (but they will soon!) so I'm hoping to have some performance details for you.

But in the last two years, I've written sales pages that:

  • Converted at 13% on cold AND warm traffic
  • Converted at 7.4% (a 63% increase after I edited the messaging and brand voice)
  • Sold 25 spots on a first-time digital product launch

Yet, even though I've written dozens of high-converting sales pages throughout my copywriting career, I don't take them for granted.

I still bust my arse off, making sure each one is crafted with intention, strategy and ambition coffee.

I hope you enjoyed this insight into my daily copywriting life!



PS Here's how I can help you...

Skyrocket your productivity by adding your personality to AI-generated copy. Join the LIVE workshop on May 31st at 3pm BST.

Fill your funnels with perfect-fit clients and students by working with me one-on-one. I offer done-for-you copy projects, audits, and copy edits. Fill out my contact form here.

Write copy that sounds exactly like you with Brand Voice Baller. The quick 'n' dirty way to unleash your personality over your copy.

Fuel your funnel conversion rate with Launch Igniter. Swipe my simple system to auditing your funnel metrics so you know exactly where you need to optimise to increase your revenue.

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X and Why, Foundry, 6 Brindley Place, , Birmingham , West Midlands B1 2JB

Nicola Moors | brand voice expert & launch copywriter

Helping multi-6 and 7-figure business owners to own their voice and sell out their digital products, programs and masterminds. Taught 1,000s of business owners & copywriters how to nail brand voice and 786 students inside my courses. Creator of Brand Voice Baller.

Read more from Nicola Moors | brand voice expert & launch copywriter

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